The story began back in 1979, when Tobbe met Kalle in the 5th grade, 11 years old.
Our interest in music brought us together listening to Robert Palmer, Bob Marley, Pretenders & The Vapors. In 1980 we heard John Foxx, and in 1981 Depeche Mode – and we immeditely hooked up with this futuristic sound. In 1984 we bought a BOSS DR-55 drum-machine, borrowed a Roland CS-5, overdubbed a tape time after time and made some covers. In may 1984 we made our first gig, with covers from DAF, The Twins and Human League.
Same year we met Jonas Berg, and our band Etage took off. In 1985 we changed name to Strange Tales (taken from a Smash Hits story about Depeche Mode)
[soundcloud id=’442058226′ width=’1024px’ height=’false’]